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Portable Projector Birthday Party Ideas
Planning a party can seem like an overwhelming task, but it doesn’t have to be! With a portable projector like...
Portable Education with Pixxie
When you think of the Pixxie portable projector, your mind might be filled with all of the wonderful entertainment it can...
How to Have a Spooktacular Halloween with Pixxie
If you live in the US, you’re no doubt getting ready to put on a spooktacular show this Halloween. Rather...
Plan a Romantic Backyard Movie Date Night with Pixxie
Whether it’s your first or your five hundredth date together, a romantic night in the backyard watching a movie is...
How Pixxie Can Create an Unforgettable Camping Experience
Here in Australia, we’re blessed with beautiful campgrounds which allow us to surround ourselves with nature. There’s nothing quite like...